Underlying stress can have a large impact on your cat's health and happiness. Many cats who are stressed show very subtle signs, while others may make their discomfort level very evident. Stress, anxiety, fear, and frustration present themselves similarly and can be observed in many ways such as:
Sudden or gradual changes in behavior
Seeking places to hide / be alone
Sleeping more than usual
Easily reactive to sounds and movement or “on edge”
Seeming depressed or uninterested in usual activities
Slinking around with their tail tucked or running quickly from room to room
Always looking behind them or look of “panic”
Avoiding interaction with family members
Vocalizing such as long meows, yowls, hissing, spitting, or tummy growls
House soiling
Lack of appetite, overeating or eating too quickly
Vomiting, diarrhea or changes in urination habits
Spraying or marking the environment
Aggression towards family members or other pets
Unexplained biting, scratching or other unpredictable behavior
Body language: dilated eyes, staring, ears back or pinned, tail thrashing, panting, changes in breathing pattern, and stiff body movements
It is important to note that signs of stress can also be signs of serious health concerns and should be shared with your veterinarian to rule out the possibility of underlying pain or illness.
What causes stress in our feline friends and Is it "normal"?
YES! Just like humans, it is normal for animals to experience at least a some amount of stress at some point in their lives. Stress generally is short term and often resolves on its own but in situations where your cat is consistently stressed, it's important to find out why so that you may take the appropriate action. What causes stress in cats?
Underlying medical issues / pain
Insufficient mental & physical stimulation ( boredom )
Not enough resources
Poor litter box setup / cleaning routine
Improper diet
Change of / lack of routine
New people/ pets in the home
Poor relationships with other pets or people in the home
Outdoor influences ( other cats/ animals)
The loss of a family member
Forced interactions
Lack of "safe" zones
New furniture/change of layout
Moving homes
Certain smells
Travel / vet visits
Poor handling methods
Certain grooming methods
Certain medication administration techniques
Environmental influences (too much movement, activity, noise)
Punishments (squirt bottle, yelling, separations)
Stress has a huge impact on the overall health of your cat and can lead to serious health conditions. While stress can cause long term health conditions, it can also exacerbate symptoms of other non stress related disease as well. Cats with illness, disease or other medical conditions must limit their stress to reduce flare ups of their condition and to avoid further complications. Listed below are just a few health conditions linked to stress:
Feline Urinary Tract Disease - FLUTD
Feline Idiopathic Cystitis - FIC
Urinary Tract Infections - UTI
Urinary Crystals
Weakened immune system - reoccurring illness
OCD Behaviors - obsessive licking of certain areas of the body " barbering"
"How can I help my cat if they are given a diagnosis of a stress related health condition?"
If your vet has diagnosed your cat with a stress related condition, they will likely talk to you about a course of treatment including short or long term medications, diet changes, behavior plans and a follow up visit. It is important to know that once diagnosed with a condition, that you must follow your treatment plan closely and monitor your cat for future flare ups.If you feel that your cat might be stressed, be sure to consult with your veterinarian so that they can help to advise you on the best methods to achieve your goals. Below are just some of the best ways you can help your cat achieve a "stress free" lifestyle:
Maintain regular vet visits - (working with carrier training can help alleviate the carrier stress significantly)
Feed a quality diet that supports your cat's nutritional needs
Keep a routine each day so your cat knows what to expect
Make sure you have enough litter boxes & scoop them daily
Add resources to ensure your cat's natural instincts are being fulfilled
Make time for play and bonding
Have "safe" zones available for your cat to have space and time alone without disruption
Introduce changes slowly ( new pet, new family member, new home)
Work on poor relationships & DON'T force interactions
Keep a journal of your cat's behavior & share these notes with your veterinarian
Consider options such as pheromone diffusers, calming treats/ supplements, calming collars ( ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR VETERINARIAN BEFORE ADDING SUPPLEMENTS TO YOUR CAT'S DIET )
Discuss with your vet if pharmaceutical medication therapy may help your cat
Find support from a cat behavior professional to help you create a plan to reduce your cat's anxiety / stress